Level 5 Restrictions – No rugby training allowed until February

Level 5 Restrictions - No rugby training allowed until February

As of the midnight on the 31st of December the country has entered Level 5 of the Irish Government’s Plan for Living with COVID-19. There are some differences to the previous level 5 – the main difference being that no rugby training is allowed for any age until the end of January.

For sport, the following restrictions apply:


No indoor or outdoor exercise group activities, including those involving children, should take place. Individual training only. No indoor or outdoor gatherings involving “individual training” except for professional and elite sports.

Matches and events

Professional, elite sports only are permitted to continue behind closed doors. No other matches or events are to take place.

For rugby at Adult, Age-Grade and Mini Levels, this means that group training is now suspended until at least 31 January 2021. Only individual training, within 5km of your home, is permitted. The situation will be reviewed by the Government towards the end of January, and their decisions will be communicated to clubs and schools once received. The IRFU are currently reviewing these new restrictions, and will advise where necessary of any further action that may be required.

Take care and we will see you all as soon as possible.


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